Struggling to pick a movie from so many options?
With TasteRay, you can find your next favorite movie in just a minute. It's like your personal assistant, recommending movies based on your personality, humor, ambitions, family status, and unique taste.

Choosing the perfect movie can be a real headache.
Endless choices, limited time. Most of us think the content search is boring and takes too long.

We don't have a lot of time for entertainment.
Have you ever fallen asleep after watching 5 minutes of a movie you spent half an hour choosing? Let's make the most of your free time.

There are so many options out there, it's crazy!
The average person in the US has access to over 40,000 movies or TV shows every single day. Yet, 84% of us struggle to make a smart choice.

Having more options doesn't mean better choices.
It can be tough to find something great, and it's so easy to miss out on a gem. This can be sooo frustrating!
Current recommendation systems simply don't work.
Recommendations favor platforms over users. Bombarded with streaming suggestions, often missing the mark. Are they truly helpful or just pushing for more views? How often do you waste 30 minutes sifting through countless movies with no success?
They're obvious
Does the system really know you? Not really. It just kinda guesses based on stuff like the kinds of shows you watch or the actors you're into.
They're biased
Streaming platforms only give you suggestions from one platform and often show you what they want you to see (for business reasons).
They're one dimensional
There are so many more factors! How you feel, what you're up to in life, whom are you watching with!
They're old-school
Lots of systems make you spend hours clicking on things you like and don't like.
Meet TasteRay - your personal culture assistant
An advanced cultural assistant that understands your preferences better than you do. It collects data on your tastes and interests to offer tailored recommendations, never forgetting a talented filmmaker's name or your special discoveries.
TasteRay KNOWS
It's all about the movies and TV shows. It digs deep into them to find the best ones for you.
It listens to you. It knows what you like, what you feel and what you're going through in life.
TasteRay's SMART
It's really thinking about everything - like who you're watching with, and it even knows why you're into certain titles.
TasteRay TALKS
It chats with you. Way better than filling out boring forms.
Remember that DVD rental guy in your neighborhood?
He always knew just what movie to recommend after you told him what you were in the mood for.
Hey, so, who are you? What do you do for a living? Any big dreams on your mind? Also, what movies are your jam and why?
What's the plan? Maybe a cool trip to France and it would be awesome to watch something related? Perhaps dealing with your teenagers, or just starting a new hobby?
Every evening is a new adventure! Are you in the mood for something epic tonight, or just need a pick-me-up, or maybe just want to indulge in some guilty pleasure?
Maybe you're into horror or action movies, but your partner can't stand them? Apparently, 90% of couples have a hard time picking something to watch together.
Let AI do the magic!
So fast and accurate, that you'll be amazed!
Gather the data
TasteRay chats with you and taps into all the info he already knows about you. The more you use it, the more it improves.
Now the supercomputer is crunching all the possible titles that could be just right for you.
You don't have to take the leap of faith. TasteRay will tell you why he chose this movie so you'll feel good about it.
It just works.
No endless scrolling. No complex filters. Just tell us what you're up to, and we'll find your perfect match in seconds. While others spend 30 minutes choosing what to watch, you'll be already watching.

Discover Personalized Entertainment Recommendations
Join TasteRay now and experience the future of personalized entertainment recommendations.